Monday, 14 July 2008

Summer times

As we come to the end of the summer (as people here in Germany know it), the mood in Berlin remains the same; youthful and care-free. The past few months have been the best in my life and I am looking forward to next week when my best friend will visit me. Krishnan "Kitha" Swaminathan is definitely eclectic; a man of many words and principles. In a week, sobriety will take backstage as the demons governing a couple of the seven deadly sins come to dine with us. In other words, kiss me, I am shitfaced. Immer getrunken. Ha. Of course it is up to the good people who know us (and those who dont can just try all eh?) to guess which sins I am talking about.

I am pleased to have reunited with one of my of primary loves in Cricket. Cliched as it may be, spending a day under the sun hitting the ball about and having a bowl is way better than a picnic in my opinion. Undoubtedly, playing in a cricket club in Berlin is as crazy as it gets. To some, its a summer thing, to others its about team-building, shape-shifting, serious bullshit as they are probably gonna live there forever. So, eitherways, the Berlin Cricket Club is better off without me but it has been one 'hella' summer. Hope the boys do well in the semis (and, hopefully, the final) and see you guys on the India Tour of '09.

Yoshan, Siva,Mihai, Kat and Dimitris will be missed. Go well and enjoy everyday like your life depended on it. All the big onions on the girls here will be sorely missed as well; its the least the buxome girls from Berlin (as well as everywhere else) deserve.

Best Quotes while in Berlin :

Yoshan: Its like trying to find your wife in OranienBurger Strasse!!! ( Well, this is the Red Light District of Berlin)

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